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Mower Maintenance

Mower Maintenance Article from Scott's Power

You’ve already put aside the push mower for something with a little more oomph, why not go the extra mile to ensure your equipment keeps running for years to come? Maintenance can be a real pain in the neck, but it’s much prefered to the alternative of broken equipment and expensive service bills. A few simple maintenance checks can save you time, money, and oh so much worry.

Here at Scott’s Power, we believe maintaining equipment is step one in protecting your investment. A mower that lasts longer will cut more grass and be a better value if you know how to take care of it. In that spirit, we’ve put together this short guide with some tips to keeping your mower in working order. Read on and if you have questions, or you just want to look at some new and used mowers, head to one of our locations in Bridgeton, Arnold, and Wentzville, Missouri, as well as Metro East, Illinois.

Basic Mower Maintenance

Commercial lawn mowers have 10 to 20 grease fittings that need to be greased regularly. This is to prevent metal parts from rubbing together and wearing out. If you haven’t used your mower all year, consider taking it in for full service, including changing oil and filters. We highly recommend reading your operator’s manual carefully, which will outline all basic maintenance activities landscapers should tend to in order to keep a mower in prime condition. Many, many problems can be solved with a bit of study and reading of the owner’s manual, so don’t shy away from it before you give a local service provider like Scott’s Power a call.

Fuel It Up

The right type of fuel is important for keeping your mower’s engine running happy. Your mower fuel should have an ethanol content of no more than 10%. When it comes time to put the mower away for the winter, use a fuel stabilizer to prevent the water from separating out of the gasoline. Leaving fuel in a tank for too long will mean the engine sucks up the lighter water and do all kinds of damage to internal engine parts.

Properly Store Your Mower

Even a single night left out can cause major damage to your mower. Water corrosion can lead to leaks and rust, which built up to do real damage. Always dry machines to remove excess water before storage.

Tire Pressure

When a mower isn’t cutting evenly, the first thing to check is tire pressure. Uneven pressure will set off your deck to a tilt, meaning an uneven cut. Maintaining tire pressure is important for prolonging the life of your equipment and its parts as well, since tires and other parts won’t wear evenly if off balance.

Keep Mowing Deck Clean

Grass clippings and mulched leaves build up over time under the mower deck, and the residue may form into a hardened gunk that’s difficult to get out. Regular cleaning keeps things from building to that point and prevents unnecessary damage to your mower’s undercarriage where there’s important belts and other moving parts.

Mower maintenance doesn’t have to be difficult. Create a checklist and practice a routine and soon it will all come as second nature. If you have more questions, or you just want to check out our great selection of new and used mowers or other power equipment, head into Scott’s Power in Bridgeton, Arnold, and Wentzville, Missouri. We’re also located in Metro East, Illinois. Come in today to speak with our staff of knowledgeable and courteous professionals who want nothing more than to answer your questions and show you the best customer service around.